Thursday, 23 February 2017

Show me the money!

Claire Hennessy wrote a useful piece in the Irish Times about the reality of being a children's author with respect to earning an income. It would be easy to become deflated by the realisation that earning a comfortable living by becoming a children's author is not an easy or common scenario for many. However, with challenges come opportunities and it is inspiring to read about people who do still work full or part-time while managing to write and publish their work.
It's a tough industry and, while I know it doesn't pay the bills, the reward gained from meeting other creative like-minded souls, laughing together, sharing work and celebrating each others successes is equally as valuable to me.
But, another tip that may help, which for some reason keeps popping into my head, is something Steve Martin said which is: 'Be so good they can't ignore you.' And Steve Martin did ok so I think that's good advice!

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